Mr. Goose Speaks


I'm currently sitting at my kitchen table with my friend Baxter. We were intending to go and print out some posters for the Mudgoose show on the 20th of January but all of the print shops are closed and at the library it costs three bucks per page! Can you believe that?! So we're currently enquiring about whether local music venue Pyramid Club is available to print at. In the meantime I'm trying to get this damn website up and running.


My buddy Bax


I spent today practicing for a new black metal-ish noise band called Wintermute with Baxter. It seems to be coming along really well! It's the first band I've played drums in in a long time, so I'm a little rusty, but the blast beats are coming along. I'm hoping to get a sort of Sunn(((O type dynamic out of it, with a good interplay between Baxter and myself. We're playing a show in February at Valhalla. It should be a good time.
